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Forex info - how well you know

Forex info - how well you know

Here are 50 Forex Questions Test yourself - how well do you know?

1. Did you know that you are a subscriber to Forex even when you are not trading it?

2. Did you know that by trading forex, you are trading the economies of countries?

3. Did you know that the left side of a currency pair is always rated at 1?

4. Did you know CHF stands for Confoederatio Helvetica Franc?

5. Did you know that Forex was only available to big players such as banks and multinational companies in the past?

6. Did you know that with leverage, a mere $ 250 can control up to $ 100,000 in Forex?

7. Did you know that there are no taxes in Forex trading?

8. Did you know that your trading strategy is the least important in Forex?

9. Did you know that anyone can be successful in Forex trading?

10. Did you know that FX1 Academy is one of the few schools that teach extensively about the state of mind of a trader?

11. Did you know that more trading does not mean more profits?

12. Did you know that the British pound was the world's reserve currency before the US dollar?

13. Did you know that no one has succeeded in fighting the Forex market?

14. Did you know that you can win more in one trade than the banks give you in a year?

15. Did you know that compared to stocks, there is no insider trading in Forex?

16. Did you know that if the Euro only moved 5 cents in EUR / USD trading, you would win 5,000 USD?

17. Did you know that George Soros made a billion dollars in one day in 1992 from the Forex market?

18. Did you know that Forex is the largest financial market in the world, with daily trading volume exceeding 3.5 trillion USD?

19. Did you know that Forex has the highest leverage compared to all other financial instruments?

20. Did you know that FX1 Academy is the largest Forex Academy in Asia?
21. Did you know that Singapore is the third-largest financial center in the world?

22. Did you know that Singapore is the second-largest spot Forex market in Asia and the fifth in the world?

23. Did you know that unlike the stock market, futures, or options market, Forex is not controlled by any central governing body?

24. Did you know that you can raise $ 10,000 to $ 1 million safely within 5 years by making just 3 trades per month?

25. Did you know that you do not need to pay commissions in Forex?

26. Did you know that 80% of forex trading worldwide is just speculative?

27. Did you know that the Forex market is large enough to pay $ 600 per person on the planet per day?

28. Did you know that you can make a profit in Forex regardless of market direction?

29. Did you know that Cathy Lynn's book, Day Trading in the Currency Market is the best selling Forex book of all time?

30. Did you know that Ed Bunsey's book "Patterns and Probabilities" is the second best selling Forex book of all time?

31. Did you know that FX1 Academy is closely associated with two world-famous Forex experts, Cathy Lynn and Ed Bunce?

32. Did you know that gold prices have an 85% positive correlation with the AUD / USD?
33. Did you know that the forex market is open 24 hours a day from Monday to Friday?

34. Did you know that you can trade Forex anywhere in the world with just an internet connection and a laptop/mobile phone?

35. Did you know that you can start trading forex with just $ 200?

36. Did you know that Asia is poised to be the center of global wealth in the next ten years?

37. Did you know that in 2003, Daimler Chrysler made more profits in Forex than in selling cars?

38. Did you know that in June 2008, the exchange rate for the New Zimbabwean Dollar was 6,164,500,000 Zimbabwean dollars per 1 US dollar?

39. Did you know that the Forex market is 50 times larger than all the global combined futures markets?

40. Did you know that if you paid $ 1,000 a second, it would take 112 years to pay you what the forex market was trading in one day?

41. Did you know that you can never lose more than you started your forex account?

42. Did you know that most banks achieve about 50% of their income through the Forex market?

43. Did you know that compared to 8,000 shares in the US stock market, there are only 7 major currencies in the Forex market?

44. Did you know that oil prices have a positive correlation of 87% with the Canadian Dollar / Japanese Yen?

45. Did you know that you can practice on a free demo account before trading on a real account?

46. ​​Did you know that it takes less than a minute to enter the Forex trade?

47. Did you know that daily forex volume is greater than the combined annual GDP of Australia, South Korea, Denmark, Switzerland, and Sweden?

48. Did you know that 3 million traders can withdraw one million dollars each from the daily forex market?

49. Did you know that some Forex brokers pay you to trade with them?

50. Did you know that over the next few years, the Forex market is preparing to reach $ 7 trillion a day?

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